Pregnancy is a miracle, a special time, but also a real challenge for the body. Suddenly, the mother's internal organs change their place, the volume of blood in the body doubles and the specific hormones transform the whole structure of the bones, ligaments and joints (they relax and soften). This means that pregnant women can experience a lot of difficulties, back pain, swollen hands and feet, water retention, discomfort, fatigue and muscle tension. And hormonal changes can cause many discomforts, from anxiety to depression. All this is normal to some extent, which is why a pregnant woman needs more rest and time off. As prolonged baths with water at a high temperature are not recommended during pregnancy, another excellent way for pregnant women to relax is prenatal massage.
The truth is that you can enjoy a massage at any time, but throughout pregnancy the benefits are manifold, as studies show that even babies enjoy a moment of relaxation from their mother. For example, in a study conducted by the University of Miami - School of Medicine researchers found that prenatal massage decreased mom's anxiety levels, relieved back and leg pain, improved sleep quality and decreased stress hormones. Furthermore, the group of mothers who received at least two massage sessions per week (about 20 minutes) had fewer premature births. And what's absolutely fantastic is that their babies had better motor and social skills but were also easier to soothe, probably due to the calm and relaxed state the mother enjoyed during the massage sessions.
Pregnancy is one of the best times to pamper yourself, you can even take a cue from international stars like Victoria Beckham or Kate Middleton. They have often been photographed going to a famous spa offering prenatal massage throughout their pregnancy. In Romania, celebrities such as Laura Cosoi or Ada Condeescu have had a prenatal massage session from time to time at THAIco SPA. All the therapists here are Asian and know traditional massage techniques inside out.
You don't have to worry about having an uncomfortable position on the table, you can sit to one side or choose to sit however you feel comfortable. And you don't have to limit yourself to just one type of massage, even if you prefer one that relaxes your shoulders, neck and back. You could also try a hair or facial massage. And foot massage is an addictive therapy, once tried, because the relaxation techniques help loosen tissues, eliminate water retention and relieve pressure in the calves and feet. But one of the most important things is that a massage session will give you a full sensory experience, it is a ritual of the senses, and can be your moment of respite, calm and detachment. And the benefits are twofold, because in addition to you, your baby will also enjoy your well-being.
So, prenatal massage has proven benefits, and to make sure everything is okay, you can ask your doctor's recommendation and consent, as there are a few contraindications depending on your health.