In general, massage is a true health maintenance technique, a blessing for the sick and a means of relaxation for the tense. Traditional Thai massage, known as 'Nuad' in Thai, originated in India and spread to South-East Asia. The techniques used in Thai massage are similar to yoga. They have beneficial effects on the body but also induce varying degrees of physical and mental relaxation.
Before starting the massage, questions are asked to the patient: about the state of health, if he/she suffers from certain acute diseases, if there is a pregnancy, which part of the body is excessively sensitive. The general rule in Thai massage is not to massage the bone and spine, or wounds, inflammations, blisters, haematomas. In case of serious gastrointestinal diseases a massage of the abdominal area is not indicated, it is done only on the back lines. The knees are sensitive and can be affected by incorrect pressure. Strong pressure on tired muscles, lymph nodes should be avoided. There is no age limit for patients with Thai massage, which is healing and enjoyable for both men and women. One massage a week is recommended and one massage every 2 days for a full body massage, or it can be done even more often.
Thai massage is worked on the physical body, with the aim of influencing the body's energy lines, and locally pressing on energy points. A general pressing is performed, or stretching and pulling exercises are applied to the patient's body, which are called Hatha-yoga, applied physical Yoga.
Benefits of Thai massage technique
Thai massage has been used for centuries in Thailand to treat certain conditions and to confer well-being. This ancient form of therapy is beneficial for both the old and young, active or inactive, healthy or less healthy.
Thai massage helps the body to reach performance, optimal health contributing to a state of well-being. The benefits of massage are numerous:
Thai massage eliminates toxins collected due to mental, emotional stress. This massage technique can be helpful for relieving headaches, migraines, arthritis, paralysis, back pain.
If the road leads you to Thailandyou'd better not leave this country without finding out what a perfect thai massage. And when I say perfect, I don't mean a "completion" massage, or whatever form of happy-ending. It's true, that at the end of an hour of massage done by the book, you will be extremely "happy".
A basic rule of Thai massage is physical contact. Although in most movies and stories the masseuse is an 18-year-old girl with ideal measurements 90-60-90who greets you half-naked and speaks no language known to you except body-language, in reality "physical contact" is limited to the maximum.
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